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5 Ways to Manage Drone Operation Risk in Your Organisation

When it comes to integrating drones into the workplace, you should take the necessary precautions to ensure you are managing risks and creating a safe environment for a sustainable drone program within your organisations.

Let us look at some of the ways you might reduce risk and make your company safer for everyone.

1. A Safety-first Approach

Safe operations begin at the top with your internal drone program's leader.

When thinking to adopt drone technology or expanding the usage of drones within your organisation, keep safety in mind at all times.

Establish protocols to reduce risk, and build a culture where employees adhere to such protocols while also putting safety at the top of mind.

Drone operations can be risky. When something goes wrong, it can hurt your organisation's reputation, raise your operating costs, and limit your growth.

2. Develop and Maintain a Record-keeping System to Track Pilot Competencies, Flight Logs and more

Good record-keeping is essential to business. You will need to develop and maintain a system for your drone data.

When something goes wrong during a drone operation, you may be required to conduct a detailed study or investigation. Analysing the data and applying precautions based on the analysis will help prevent similar incidents from recurring.

3. Educate and Inform Team Members About Potential Risk

All members of a drone team must be aware of the risks involved in various drone operations. Start by educating your employees about the dangers and inculcate the mentality that every employee is accountable for safe operations. To ensure that your team members can identify hazards and mitigate risks in drone operations, consider undergoing a drone training course.

4. Create and Utilise Pre-Flight and Post-Flight Checklists

A consistent pre-flight and post-flight checklist used across your organisation will lessen the likelihood of something going wrong during operations. A practical checklist is precise, straightforward and easily repeatable. All Drone Academy Asia trainees will receive helpful checklists that are editable based on their operations and organisation needs.

5. Develop and Internalise Emergency Procedures

If an emergency happens, your team must stay calm and respond appropriately. It can be challenging to react well during tense situations, so having a set of clear procedures to follow would help remote pilots, visual observers, and uninvolved persons in the field.

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